Outdoor Facilities
The school has a 2.5 acre field exclusively reserved for physical activities, sports, and games for children. The field has a playground with swings, see-saws, a splash-pool, and slides for younger students. It also has a grass tennis court, a badminton court, a basketball court, a running track, and a strength-building area, and can function as both a football ground with goalposts and a cricket field with a pitch. Children are mentored, guided, and supervised by trained physical instructors during sports classes and school recess.
Indoor Facilities
The Sports Complex is a remarkably well-equipped indoor stadium where children are trained and guided in a number of indoor sports, games, and activities including table tennis, skating, carom, chess, gymnastics, yoga, and martial arts such as taekwondo and karate.
We don’t just give students an education and experiences that set them up for success in a career. We help them succeed in their career—to discover a field they’re passionate about and dare to lead it.
We are committed to making a world-class education affordable.